QAbstractItemModel with QTableView
Hello again.
I created a model class which inherits QAbstractItemModel, I have a list of data there. and I also have a tableView. I want the data to be displayed on the view, exactly the same items as in model, not an exstra rows or columns.
I think I have a problem with model's rowCount() and columnCount() methods, I cannot set the number of rows and columns correctly. for example I have 3 objects in data list and I want to have a table with 4 columns, when I add items from view I want the rows to add after it reaches the last column in previous row. how can I solve it? do you have any idea?thank you!!!
for your purpose easy use the QAbstractTableModel
but in both cases when you inherits your own class from Abstract class
you must- describe some data structure to describe your model, for example
QVector <QVector <QVariant> > m_data;
- reimplement virtual methods such as rowCownt(),columnCount(), data(), setData() appenRows(), removeRows() and so one
And you yourself must describe policy of your model
@int MyModel::columnCount()
if (m_data.size())
return 3;
}@@int MyModel::rowCount()
return m_data.size();
}@I'm correctly understood your question?
[quote author="tokafr" date="1421255724"]Hello again.
I created a model class which inherits QAbstractItemModel, I have a list of data there. and I also have a tableView. I want the data to be displayed on the view, exactly the same items as in model, not an exstra rows or columns.
I think I have a problem with model's rowCount() and columnCount() methods, I cannot set the number of rows and columns correctly. for example I have 3 objects in data list and I want to have a table with 4 columns, when I add items from view I want the rows to add after it reaches the last column in previous row. how can I solve it? do you have any idea?thank you!!![/quote]
So, you want your items to basically wrap around, like an exporer window does when displaying files as icons right?
That is easy: that is just displaying a list-type model on a QListView. However, the list view needs to be set in the right mode to display like that. Set it to IconMode and you're in business.
Selecting should work. Do you have the right selection mode set on the view?
The size of the items I think (not sure, don't use it often) can be set in several ways. You can use the sizeHintRole from the model, use a delegate, or use the setGridSize method on the QListView.
If your items are all the same size, it's a good idea to call setUniformItemSizes(true) as well for performance reasons.