Updated new release: SpellChecker Plugin (QtCreator 3.3)
I have created a new release for my SpellChecker Plugin for QtCreator 3.3.0 (Windows/Linux_x64). This updates adds many updates and improvements over the previous release.
Please head over to my "github page":https://github.com/CJCombrink/SpellChecker-Plugin or download the latest "release":https://github.com/CJCombrink/SpellChecker-Plugin/releases/tag/v0.2.1 and test the plugin if you like.
Any feedback will be appreciated.
[edit] Updated link to point to version 0.2.1, the latest latest release.
I have created a new release, v0.2.1 to fix a few things in version 0.2.0.
Please download the latest release here [github.com].
This release includes pre-built binaries of the plugin for Windows and Linux_x64.
Please let me know if there any issues.