QPixmap or QImage exchange the buffers
Hello, I am interested in the following topic: Can I exchange the QPixmap/QImage buffers or source file? Consider this small code:
static inline void CellOnPaint(QPainter* qp,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* qsi,
QWidget* wd, QGraphicsItem* ari ) {
QRectF rec = ((ActionItem*)ari)->boundingRect();
QPixmap door = ((ActionItem)ari)->getMyPixmap();
QImage eframe = door->toImage();
qp->drawImage(rec, eframe);
wd->update(); //needed
@is rturning a private member from my custom ActionItem class. The member is set in the construction, kind of
ActionItem* a1 = new ActionItem(QPixmap(":/res/p1.png"...));
@Now the call to CellOnPaint will display "p2.png". BUt how to exchange the buffers?
Maybe I post it bad. Consider the CellOnPaint. See line 6. It assigns per call the ref from ActionItem
s private pixmap, which is set in the constructor and is known. I want to just exchange the pixmap. I
ve wrote setNewQPix(QPix...) but on the call the program fails. -
Check out the QPixmap constructors. If you want to pass in a file path, use the constructor that accepts a QString. Note there is another constructor that accepts const char* but that one expects data not a path.
Try a1->setNewQPixmap( QPixmap(QString( ":/...png") ) ).
Let me show you the full code of the setQpix...
static inline void SwapOn(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* me,
QGraphicsItem* ari) {
Sorry, its a bit hard to read, I suppose, but the idea is qute, simple, take the QGaraphics item clicked, and set it
s pixmap to another QGraphics derivate found by name from a heap simulation list of items. I`ll give a try to your suggestion. -
I am sorry but you are not showing me anything here:
- What do you pass in to that function? What does getPixmapRes() mean? get Pixmap Resolution? What does it return?
- How is the setNewPixmap() or setMyPixmap() or setQpix... is implemented?
- What does it mean that the program fails? Does it crash? Does it fail to compile? Does it fail to link?
Here is how a QPixmap is "updated":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpixmap.html#QPixmap-6:
QPixmap a;
QPixmap b;
b = a;
@ -
Sorry I kind of suck at forums :)
void ActionItem::setMyPixmap(QString s) {
pixmap = new QPixmap(s);
}QPixmap* ActionItem::getMyPixmap()
return pixmap;
Let me give a try to your suggestion and I`ll write back. Probably your help was enough. Hope so. :)[quote author="ckakman" date="1421180662"]I am sorry but you are not showing me anything here:
- What do you pass in to that function? What does getPixmapRes() mean? get Pixmap Resolution? What does it return?
- How is the setNewPixmap() or setMyPixmap() or setQpix... is implemented?
- What does it mean that the program fails? Does it crash? Does it fail to compile? Does it fail to link?
Here is how a QPixmap is "updated":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpixmap.html#QPixmap-6:
QPixmap a;
QPixmap b;
b = a;