[Solved] The Game Tanks. Segmentation error
I have the Segmentation error on the line: m_textures.push_back( new QOpenGLTexture( frame ) );
When I press "the Space key":
[CODE]void ExplosionOfProjectile::genTextures()
QImage image( ":/Texture/TankSpriteSheet.png" );
image = image.mirrored( false, true );QImage frame; frame = image.copy( 257, 112, 15, 15 ); m_textures.push_back( new QOpenGLTexture( frame ) ); frame = image.copy( 272, 112, 16, 16 ); m_textures.push_back( new QOpenGLTexture( frame ) ); frame = image.copy( 287, 111, 18, 18 ); m_textures.push_back( new QOpenGLTexture( frame ) );
[/CODE] -
Please look at the second paragraph in the documentation of the "constructor":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qopengltexture.html#QOpenGLTexture-2 you are using. Maybe that's the issue.
Thank you
bq. This does create the underlying OpenGL texture object. Therefore, construction using this constructor does require a valid current OpenGL context.
But it works with object of the Tank class? This is a same situation with the "Tank" class
How to set the context?
It was bacause I had mistake. I replace "Texture" on "Textures". But now there is a new crash
I set breakpoing on "update()" method but after "continue" I have crash:
[CODE]void Scene::addProjectileExplosion( float x0, float y0 )
ExplosionOfProjectile *explosion = new ExplosionOfProjectile( &m_program, m_vertexAttr, m_textureAttr, m_textureUniform );
explosion->setX0( x0 );
explosion->setY0( y0 );
connect( explosion, SIGNAL( signalShowProjectileExplosion( int, bool ) ),
this, SLOT( slotShowProjectileExplosion( int, bool ) ) );
m_projectileExplosions[explosion->id()] = explosion;
I solved the problem: [url]https://github.com/8Observer8/Tanks[/url]
The Error:
@for ( auto iterOfProjectile = m_projectiles.begin(); iterOfProjectile != m_projectiles.end(); ++iterOfProjectile ) { .... m_projectiles.erase( iterOfProjectile ); addProjectileExplosion( x0, y0 );@
The Solution:
@auto iterOfProjectile = m_projectiles.begin();
// for ( auto iterOfProjectile = m_projectiles.begin(); iterOfProjectile != m_projectiles.end(); ++iterOfProjectile )
while (iterOfProjectile != m_projectiles.end())
Projectile *projectile = iterOfProjectile->second;float x0 = projectile->x0(); float y0 = projectile->y0();
bool doDel = false;
switch ( projectile->direction() ) { case Projectile::Up: projectile->setY0( projectile->y0() - step ); doDel = projectile->y0() <= 0.0f; break; case Projectile::Left: projectile->setX0( projectile->x0() - step ); doDel = projectile->x0() < 0.0f; break; case Projectile::Down: projectile->setY0( projectile->y0() + step ); doDel = projectile->y0() >= ( m_canvasHeight - projectile->height() ); break; case Projectile::Right: projectile->setX0( projectile->x0() + step ); doDel = projectile->x0() > ( m_canvasWidth - projectile->width() ); break; }
if (doDel )
delete projectile;
m_projectiles.erase( iterOfProjectile++ );
addProjectileExplosion( x0, y0 );
}@I am helped [URL="http://www.prog.org.ru/index.php?topic=28254.msg206472#msg206472"]here[/URL]