Inactive checkboxes in MacOs 10.10 and qt 5.3
In MacOs 10.10 the checkbox becomes inactive while parent widget haven't focus.
Is this problem solved in Qt 5.4? Or need to use extra attributes for widgets in MAcOS 10.10.
I saw such problem even in Qt Creator. But can't find any similar issues in web.
STEPS TO REPRODUCE (Qt Creator 3.1.1)
Create simple project for Dialog window.
Add to the *.ui file QLineEdit, QListWidjet and layout without any modifications.
Code to add list items in the constructor of the dialog window:@QListWidget* list = ui->listWidget;
for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( "test" );
item->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );list->addItem( item );
} @
At least I did not see issue like this on 10.9.4 with Qt 5.3. What is the second widget which has all checkboxes ? Do you have sample of this ? Is it simple program or u r setting some thing else ?
Then you should check with Qt 5.4 and if still there please go to the "bug report system": and check if it's something known, if not consider opening a new report providing a minimal compilable example showing the behavior.
Just beware that the bug report system is going to be updated today and will be offline for some time
Don't forget to post a link to the bug report here so other users may find it more easily
The issue on tracker: