C++ QML Wrappers wise or not
Hi everyone and happy new year,
Using Qt5.2/3. I would like to use some QObject derived classes in QML.The obvious and certainly easiest thing is to register the types with qmlRegisterType and add additional Q_INVOKABLE and Q_PROPERTYs : something like
class Network : public QObject
Network(QObject *parent = 0);
~Network();virtual void callMessage() { qDebug() << "Network::callMessage();"; this->metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "message"); } Q_INVOKABLE void message() { qDebug() << "Network::message();"; } Q_INVOKABLE QObject * create(const QString &type);
@My overall aim to allow override of methods (using invokeMethod) in QML and invoke these from c++ which would provide powerful funcitonality.
Ideally, I would prefer to avoid adding QML directly to the original classes. I would like to keep the class clean from QML because I may want to provide other language bindings later. I looked at c++ interface paper from
class QMLNetwork : public QObject
QMLNetwork(QObject *parent = 0);
~QMLNetwork();Q_INVOKABLE void callMessage() { this->_network->callMessage()} Q_INVOKABLE void message() { qDebug() << "Network::message();"; }
Network *_network;
@I know this should work in practice, I think this would prevent me from using QML to override methods.
I thought of creating a wrapper inheriting from the original type to provide a new interface similar to Boost Python. However, I don't think this would work going from a c++ instance to a qml instance.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Please let me know if anything needs clarifying.
Luke -
May be some more details are required. I did not understand what do you mean by "using QML to override methods". What do you mean here ? You are writing a class in C++ and exposing to QML. You can create instance of these classes in QML. After this what would you like to do in QML with these instances ? This may help or some good sample on what you are trying at QML will help.
So in QML, we use the Network object as a prototypes orinherit from this to modify the behaviour such as changing the message method.. e.g.
import myapiNetwork {
id: myNetwork
function message() { console.log("calling qml Network.mymesssage()") }
@If the callMessage is called from c++ for this QML Object instance, the qml message method is called.
This is trivial if it's a one-one mapping using qmlRegisterType, but using an additional wrapper I don't think I can achieve this. Maybe I'm asking too much...
If you write a signal in your Network c++ class and emit it doesn't solve your problem?
class Network : public QObject
Network(QObject *parent = 0);
void message(message);
};@so, in qml:
@import myapi
Network {
id: myNetwork
onMessage: {console.log(message)}