QT Script Generator & QT 5.4 (qtscriptgenerator)
seems QT Script Generator qtscriptgenerator (https://github.com/sjinks/qtscriptgenerator) updated for qt 5
i try to compile generator of it by MSVC 2013 via QT X64 5.4.0
it can not compile & have many errors- it compatible with qt 5.4 ?
- can build it in windows ?
- if both of up questions are true then is compatible with mingw and msvc ?
4.Have any other Binding generator for QT Script ???
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What errors are you getting ?
In any case you should try to contact the original author of that project, he's the more knowledgable to answer your questions.
Ok, but then again, did you try to contact the original author ? That module is not part of the Qt framework