Problems when i try to install qt3d
Hi !! , I tried to install QT3D on a new installation of ubuntu. I followed the directions via this link:
And unfortunately I have a problem on my system with this step:
make install
My console:
make [3]: Entering directory "/ home / tev / QT5 / qtwebkit / Source"
make [3]: *** No rule to make target "/home/tev/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/WebKit2//libWebKit2.a" necessary to "/ home / tev / QT5 / qtbase / lib / libQt5WebKit .so.5.4.1 ". Off.
make [3]: Leaving directory "/ home / tev / QT5 / qtwebkit / Source"
make [2]: *** [sub-api-pri-install_subtargets-ordered] Error 2
make [2]: Leaving directory "/ home / tev / QT5 / qtwebkit / Source"
make [1]: *** [sub-Source-QtWebKit-pro-install_subtargets-ordered] Error 2
make [1]: Leaving directory "/ home / tev / QT5 / qtwebkit"
make: *** [Module-qtwebkit-install_subtargets] Error 2Where is the problem during installation?
Can be here? : /home/tev/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/WebKit2//libWebKit2.aWith the dual ---> //
Thank you for your reply !!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Might be a silly question but, why do you build Qt from scratch ? If you want to only build the Qt3D module you don't have to rebuild Qt completely.
That's why I'm asking you: do you really want to build Qt completely ? You should be able to add that new module by just calling the classic qmake -> make -> make install
In fact I have reinstall QT5 (and ubuntu ...) to install qt3d .... except that I follow every tutorial and nothing works ...
And I thought reinstalling by following the links given in my first post, all would works
seen that it does not walk by following the tutorial. I downloaded qt3d separately and I tried to comiler with Qt Creator
When I try to compile with QT 5.4.1 under qt creator. This puts me "Qt3D requires Qt Declarative"What tutorial offers qt3D works?
Thanks for your help :)
I found the solution to my problem.
I install QT 4.8. Then qmake -> Make-> make install (with sudo).
Compiled qt3D with qmake /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.7/bin/qmake
make -> make install (with sudo)Do not forget to qt creator opens with the terminal and sudo.
Voila :)
It should work as well with Qt 5. Didn't you use the online installer for Qt 5 ? Or even your distribution's Qt 5 ?