[SOLVED]Can`t display QTextEdit in my application
Hello, I am trying to show a text field in my program which is realtive to the main window.But somehow it does not appear. Here is code I am using:
QTextEdit textArea(QString("BLA BLA BLA"));
textArea.setMinimumSize(myFrame->geometry().width()* TEXT_AREA_WRATIO,
myFrame->geometry().height()* TEXT_AREA_HRATIO);
textArea.setEnabled(true);lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(1)->addWidget(animationWindow ->getView()); lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(1)->addWidget(&textArea, Qt::AlignBottom); lFactory->horizontalLayouts.at(0)->addWidget(back, Qt::AlignLeft); lFactory->horizontalLayouts.at(0)->addWidget(next, Qt::AlignRight); lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(0)->addLayout( lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(1)); lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(1)->addLayout( lFactory->horizontalLayouts.at(0)); myFrame->setLayout(lFactory->verticalLayouts.at(0));
Everything is shown, the GraphicsView, and the 2 buttons. QTextEdit is missing. -
I guess this happens in your constructor, right ? Anyway, textArea is a local variable that will be destroyed at the end of the function thus you won't see it.
Hope it helps
Thanks. It was the cause of it. But... I had the local variables for the both back and next QPushButtons, that were displayed correctly... No matter, I won
t dig in. It
s solved. Thank you very much.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1419458294"]Hi,I guess this happens in your constructor, right ? Anyway, textArea is a local variable that will be destroyed at the end of the function thus you won't see it.
Hope it helps[/quote]
Were your QPushButtons allocated on the heap ?