Can't get QWebchannel demos to work
Using VS2013 (or QtCreator) , Win 7 64 bit. Using ChatServer and ChatClient-html. Start the server, then start chatclient.html in Chrome. I can type in a name in the client and press login, nothing shows up in the console window except "Keep Alive Check()". The client "Users" list doesn't change. If I put breakpoints in the server (when running on VS2013), I can see lots of activity. But after the server sendMessage() function, if I catch this in Chrome in qwebchannel.js in the "this.transport.onmessage = function (message)" method, it always goes to the default case and prints out "invalid message received". The message sent was something like "{"data":{"chatserver":{"methods":[["deleteLater",3], ["login", 11], ...". This looks reasonable to me.
Has anyone got the demos to work on Windows? Any tips? Or wait for 5.4.1?
hi, You need download qwebchannel.js file from qt "5.4" branch, not "dev".