Mouse drag on specific area.
Hello, I
m doing it again. Next game with another challenge for my 1 month Qt expirience. I have to make a train moving on the trails: The picture shows the trails. The user must drag the train in the exact trails, no other space. I
ve predefined invisible curves to match the rails so collision deteciton is OK. But this is the test picture, the final one will have a choice of the roads so I need to know what classes will I need. Just point me the way, I`ll to it on my own from there on. -
Sounds like you should either use the QGraphicsScene framework or QML
I am using QGraphicsScene. The queston is if there is an API to move the train on the rails with curves so if user drags up and there is a curved rail, the train must curve there too even the mouse is not.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1419200763"]Hi,Sounds like you should either use the QGraphicsScene framework or QML[/quote]
If I can add invisible boundries, will the user be forced to curve to them? I wonder.
Makes me think of "collidesWithPath":
Note that I haven't used it