QSortFilterProxyModel - strange filtering behavior
When I set the filter it seems to use a LIKE logic, whether I use fixed strings or RegExpr as a filter.
I have attached some code that demonstrates this:
I add the numbers from 0 to 30 to a standard model (as strings).
I am trying to get only the row that has the value "5", but instead I get every row that has a 5 in it (5,15,25).
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "mainwindow.h"#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QDebug>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QStandardItemModel mdl;
for (int i = 0; i < 30;i++) {
mdl.appendRow(new QStandardItem( QString::number(i) ));
qDebug() << "Items in model : " << mdl.rowCount();
QSortFilterProxyModel proxyMdl;
qDebug() << "Items in proxy (no filter): " << proxyMdl.rowCount();
qDebug() << "Items in proxy (fixed filter string): " << proxyMdl.rowCount();
proxyMdl.setFilterRegExp(QRegExp("5", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString));
qDebug() << "Items in proxy (reqExpr filter): " << proxyMdl.rowCount();return a.exec();
The output of the above is strangely
Items in model : 30
Items in proxy (no filter): 30
Items in proxy (fixed filter string): 3
Items in proxy (reqExpr filter): 3
@ -
Hi hsfougaris,
it does exactkly what you tell him :-)
you set a regexp with "5", which matches all strings that contain a 5 somewhere.
If it should be exactly five, use start and end delimiter:@
proxyMdl.setFilterRegExp(QRegExp("^5$", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString));
@I think setFilterFixedString does something similar...
Your code doesn't return anything.
In order for it to work, it needs to be specified as
proxyMdl.setFilterRegExp(QRegExp("^5$", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp));
which makes sense.So what's the point of FixedString, in both setFilterReqExp and setFilterFixedString, if they are not fixed strings?
It seems that a FixedString as understood by QRegExpr is not what I would expect.
From the documentation:
QRegExp::FixedString means that the pattern is interpreted as a plain string. Special characters (e.g., backslash) don't need to be escaped then.
which I guess means I will always have to prepend ^ and append $ - there is no way for the QSFPM (I hope I got that right Gerolf) to do a straight comparison out of the box. -
[quote author="harry" date="1302186916"]It seems that a FixedString as understood by QRegExpr is not what I would expect.
[/quote]I agree with that. I would assume a plain text match would be an exact match. This is unclear, and should be reported as a bug. If it is not considered a bug in the code, it is a bug in the documentation in that it is not clear what this method does.
I agree, but since I don't think I had much luck with my reporting of the other bug ("QTBUG-18578":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-18578) about setFilter [they still want more info for something that is plainly obvious], maybe I'll let someone else report this one...
[EDIT: fixed link, Volker]
The way Jira is handed by the Trolls is a sore point indeed with many community members. I am not even allowed to vote...
Still, the request for a compilable is possible. Just have the app generate a small sqlite database with a single table with one column with some data. However, I think your code sample is clear enough.
Well if they insist some more that's what I'll end up doing, but like you said it's not the best handling of a case: it feels like they're trying to give you a run around....