Porting from Windows to OSX and iOS
I have made a previous build on Windows and I am trying to port everything to OSX and iOS. I am following the directions given here:
The problem I am having is I have a file being copied to the build from an external source. So what I did in the Windows build is something like this in the .pro:
QMAKE_POST_LINK = copy $${SRCDIR}\file.h $${DESTDIR}
message(POST: $${QMAKE_POST_LINK})This worked on windows, but on OS X, I am getting an error saying "copy" is not a file or directory. It is acting as if it is part of the source directory in the code above. Is there a different syntax or something I am missing?
Also, when I am trying to port to iOS, I am getting an error saying:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialport
is this module not supported on iOS?
I just realized I posted on the wrong side of the forum. If you are looking for any answers that I might get, go here: