Android, release with debug info?
We build our release with -g option, but it seems there is a strip or something that remove debug info of the generated so file, cause we aren't able to see all information of our crash report.
The crash reports (native call stack) on the google play store developer console only contains method names. We tough -g option will allow use to get line number of instructions,...
Below it's a sample of the output we get when trying to retrieve line numbers of instructions from a range of an address (range around the instruction causing the segfault) :
arm-linux-androideabi-objdump.exe -d -l --start-address=0x001a24d0 --stop-address=0x001a26d0 | "arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt.exe" file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
001a24d0 core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x1c:
1a24d0: e24dd018 sub sp, sp, #24
1a24d4: e5911000 ldr r1, [r1]
1a24d8: e59100bc ldr r0, [r1, #188] ; 0xbc
1a24dc: e3500002 cmp r0, #2
1a24e0: 0a000005 beq 1a24fc core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x48
1a24e4: e59110c0 ldr r1, [r1, #192] ; 0xc0
1a24e8: e3510001 cmp r1, #1
1a24ec: 8a000002 bhi 1a24fc core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x48
1a24f0: e5921054 ldr r1, [r2, #84] ; 0x54
1a24f4: e3510001 cmp r1, #1
1a24f8: da000001 ble 1a2504 core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x50
1a24fc: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
1a2500: ea00003a b 1a25f0 core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x13c
1a2504: e59f10fc ldr r1, [pc, #252] ; 1a2608 core::SelectionTool::panUpdated(engine3D::GUIGestureEvent*)+0x154
1a2508: e28d000c add r0, sp, #12
1a250c: e2822018 add r2, r2, #24
1a2510: e7933001 ldr r3, [r3, r1]
1a2514: e5931000 ldr r1, [r3]
1a2518: e2843030 add r3, r4, #48 ; 0x30
1a251c: ebfff4a5 bl 19f7b8 <core::SceneManager::mapToWorldPosition(math::Point const&, math::Plane<float> const&)>
@I verified the presence of the -g option in the compilation output, so maybe the deployment step remove the debug data?