Dereferencing not NULL pointer crashes
I have a QDialog with a public member function "toFront".
QDialog has a private member attribute m_db of type (QsqLDatabase *).Calling
@qDebug() << "front " << m_db << " " << *m_db;
@in the constructor works fine. Output is:
@form 0x7fff5fbffa80
form QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/Users/christoph/qt_projects/teiledb/teileDatenbank_playground.sqlite"", host="""", port=-1, user="""", open=true)@Doing the same in the member function "toFront" leads to a crash when dereferencing the pointer. The adress is the same like above (first line).
@qDebug() << "form " << m_db ; // ok
qDebug() << "form " << *m_db ; // crash
@Crash means programm is not responding, no error whatsoever visible.
QDialog (instance m_formAddCatLoc) itself is a member of MainWindow. QDialogs member function "toFront" is called from MainWindow
@void MainWindow::addCatReleased(){
@addCatReleased is a SLOT called when a button goes up
@connect( ui->pb_addCat, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(addCatReleased()));
@Am I missing a basic qt/thread/scope problem?? Looks like a memory protection for me ... but why?
Christoph -
[quote author="andreyc" date="1418996164"]How do you allocate m_db?[/quote]
Ohhhh .... I found my problem.
QSqlDatabase is a local vaiable of the constructor so it's allocated on the stack and deleted after constructor is done.It did not come to me since in every other case I access the Database throug a QSqlTableModel, however that's a copy and not a reference to my database.
Thanks anyway :)