QThread signal to QML
Hi all,
i think this is a dumb question but i can't understand the solution:So i have my worker class cardWorker.h
class CardWorker : public QObject {
~CardWorker();public slots:
void process();signals:
void finished();
void error(QString err);
void myValueHasChanged(int value);private:
// add your variables here
@The implementation: cardWorker.cpp
// --- CONSTRUCTOR ---
CardWorker::CardWorker() {
// you could copy data from constructor arguments to internal variables here.
}// --- DESTRUCTOR---
CardWorker::~CardWorker() {
// free resources
}// --- PROCESS ---
// Start processing data.
void CardWorker::process() {
// allocate resources using new here
qDebug("Hello World!");
emit myValueHasChanged(10);
emit finished();
...@In my main.cpp i have;
QThread* thread = new QThread;
CardWorker* worker = new CardWorker();
worker->moveToThread(thread);QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(process()));
QObject::connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
QObject::connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
...@Now the problem is: if i have my "main.qml" with a "Text" item how can i "see" the signal "myValueHasChanged()" emitted by the worker?
I tryed this:main.qml
target: myCard
...do things..
...@and i added, just after the "thread ->start()" command:
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myCard", worker);
@but this doesn't work. I know this is wrong but i can't understand how to solve this problem.
All tips are appreciated.Thanks in advance!
Claudio -
Ye sorry, the original code has no quotes, i've just re-written here a small part of the code because i have not the files here at the moment.
I'll edit the first post.
Thank you!
[quote author="Gianluca" date="1418935015"]Remove the quotes around the name of the target:
Connections {
target: myCard
onMyValueHasChanged { }
[/quote]By the way, if it can help, the auto-complete function, hint me the myCard when i write the target into the Connection section, but it doesn't hint the "onMyValueHasChanged".
When i run the code an error says that it can't find myCard and the function -
[quote author="moeg687" date="1420739719"]Hi foska,
Are you getting the following error message by any chance?
QQmlEngine: Illegal attempt to connect to CardWorker(0x231b9b8) that is in a different thread than the QML engine QQmlEngine(0x2265cc8).[/quote]
I'm sorry but that wasn't my problem. If you want i can send you some files to show you the way i solved my problem because there is too much code to post it here.
Ciao ciao!