Can't access QtSerialPort, other includes
I have recently installed Qt5.4 on Opensuse 12.3, where I have had
Qt 4.8 for a while - However, when I try to compile a program that does a lot
of serial communications and runs well under 4.8,
(and having taken LIB -lQtSerialPort out of the project file
and put in QT += serialport)I get "No such file or directory" at the line
#include <QtSerialPort/QtSerialPort>I have tried putting into the project file
INCLUDEPATH += </opt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/gcc_64>
and variants such as INCLUDEPATH += </opt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/gcc_64/include>but this does not help. When I put the whole path in
#include </opt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/gcc_64/include/QtSerialPort/QtSerialPortDepends>
etc.I get
"Q_NULLPTR was not declared in this scope"at line 182 of qserialport.h
explicit QSerialPort(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
This runs fine on a machine that I have installed Opensuse13.1 on, where the installation
was done by Opensuse 13.1.Thanks for any hints !!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you sure you are using the correct qmake ? Kit ? Qt version ?
Thanks for the reply -
The Kit and Qt version I checked in the project settings a few times.
I also uninstalled and re-installed, and tried a different directory
(/usr/Qt). I installed from an live "installer" and then tried downloading
the 600ish MByte static installer. These are generic linux,
I wonder if they're ok with Qt 12.3, or if somehow the include
directory is mixed up because Qt4.8 is still there.I didn't check the qmake - how would I do that?
Did you also update your project to use the new Kit ?
If you are using Qt Creator to build your project, the qmake version should be set correctly. It must be the one located in your Qt installation.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm not sure what you mean by "update your project". I opened the project in the (new version of) Qt Creator, and under "Tools -> Options -> Build and Run set Kits and Qt versions. Is there something else that should have been done?
Could it be the version of g++? It's 4.7 . .
If I start a new project, and try to
#include <QtSerialPort/QtSerialPort. it works!DO you think that's the best solution?
At some point, it might be simpler to indeed recreate the project from scratch.
Thanks - actually, I tracked it down via qmake to the .pro.user file, which still had the Qt4 information - after deleting it, the system re-created it, and now it compiles - with some annoying complaints (won't take TRUE, insists on true)
You're welcome !
Good !
What generates these complaints ?
My simple program compiles, but the larger program
says "QPrinter has not been declared" in file included from /usr/include/QPlainTextEdit", despite my having added
Qt += printsupport and chanaged the header calls in my code
as suggested to
#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrinter>,
and also
‘QT_STATIC_CONST’ does not name a type, which I gather
is an incompatibility between qwt and Qt5.4 -
"/usr/include/QPlaintTextEdit" ?