Focus and FocusScope
I am currently trying to implement some sort of table spreadsheet cell living in a TableView. I don't exactly understand how the focus could be proxy to my cell TextInput when clicking on the cell containing it.
So I dig into the documentation and find the FocusScope final example. So I first define a clickable widget which is a FocusScope:
import QtQuick 2.3FocusScope {
id: scopeproperty alias text: label.text //FocusScope needs to bind to visual properties of the children property alias color: rectangle.color x: rectangle.x y: rectangle.y width: rectangle.width height: rectangle.height Rectangle { id: rectangle color: "lightsteelblue" width: 175 height: 25 radius: 10 antialiasing: true border.color: "blue" TextInput { id: label anchors.centerIn: parent focus: true } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { scope.focus = true } }
I test two simple example, using firstly a Column as layout for my clickable item:
import QtQuick 2.3Rectangle {
id: windowwidth: 240 height: 150 Column { anchors.fill: parent Repeater { model: 2 MyClickableWidget { width: 200 height: 50 color: "lightgreen" text: index * 42 } } }
@All is going all right for this one, you click a rectangle, its internal TextInut got the focus. Almost the same with a ListView (just have to set the focus on listView ot true as it is itself a FocusScope)
But I encounter a proble when using TableView. Here is my code, using the component defined above:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2Rectangle {
id: windowwidth: 400 height: 150 ListModel { id: model ListElement {x: 42; y: 84} ListElement {x: 126; y: 168} } TableView { anchors.fill: parent model: model focus: true itemDelegate: MyClickableWidget { color: "lightgreen" text: styleData.value } rowDelegate: Rectangle { height: 50 } TableViewColumn { role: "x" width: 180 } TableViewColumn { role: "y" width: 180 } }
@And I really don't understand what is going wrong. I looked at the TableView code (Qt 5.3.1) and see it's a ScrollView < FocusScope, handling a ListView with focus set to true to proxy the focus to its delegate items normally..
I hope someone has a better view on that problem than me. Thanks in advance :)