How to show a window who has been minimized?
show() itself should work. You can try combining it with raise():
@ -
Hm, then it begins to look like a bug. Are you using the newest Qt version (5.4)?
Another idea: please try with showNormal() "link":
Sorry, I am confused. You say it worked, but end your sentence with a sad emoticon. Is the problem solved now?
No worries, I am not angry :-) I just did not understand what you've meant.
So I think it is becoming clear now, that this indeed is a Qt bug. Looks like it is a known issue, too: "link": The report claims that this problem is fixed in 5.4.0. I think your case proves that to be wrong. I'll add a comment there, but it would be best if you joined the discussion there and pasted exact steps to reproduce the issue and the exact configuration of your system (OS, Qt version, compiler, etc.).