Getting Qcharts and DataVisualization modules on Qt5.3.1
Hi ,
I'm working with Qt5.3.1 on ubuntu 14.04 and established SDK for arm
where all the programs work fine, but my application needs qcharts and data visualization modules
which are not working in this setup. how can I get these modules for both native and arm ? can anyone pl helpBr
Nilesh -
These modules are part of the entreprise package. You have to get a commercial license to have access to them.
Hi SGaist ,
Thanks for your valuable reply.
I need to show simple 2d bar graphs on the screen .
can you please point to some ref code which doesn't includes qchart and data Visualization.I googled it but all search ended up with these two modules included.
Nilesh -
Try "QCustomPlot":
There's also "qwt":