Connections to attached signal
I have some object:
@MyWindow {
id: mainwindow
}@and want to catch it's Component.onCompleted in some other place. I do it like this:
@Connections {
target: mainwindow
Component.onCompleted: console.log("got it");
}@However, instead of catching onCompleted of my target object, I get onCompleted of Connections object itself.
Please help me to understand, how can I achieve my goal to get onCompleted signal of target object?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, and welcome to the Qt Dev Net!
I don't know how to connect to an attached signal externally, but you could implement a custom signal in mainWindow and emit that when the window is completed.
Dear JKSH!
Thanks for your advice! I did the same for now and it works.
I develop some application framework, and it is good for me to catch this signal directly, because in other way I have to ask users to implement that custom signal.
In my situation, we control the base object, "MyWindow". So I put that custom signal there. It looks almost same as onCompleted in MyWindow user's descendant.