Play two mediaPlayer side by side using Qt
I created a Quick Application and want to play two mediaPlayer side by side using Qt? any advice?
I am able to compile the code below, but it cannot run.Window{
visible: true
width: 360
height: 360MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: Qt.quit(); } MediaPlayer{ id:player2 source:"/home/common/abc.mp4"
vivelu, how to make the video flickable
I am able to make a square flicker inserting the element belowRectangle {
sequentialAnimation on x{
PropertyAnimation{ to:50}
PropertyAnimation{ to:0}
}My code below to make mp4 flick is not working.
Flickable {
width:200; height:200
contentWidth:image.width; contentHeight:image.heightImage { id:image; source:"file:///home/common/xx.mp4"}
i need to start and stop the video using a timer from c++
I could create & destroy an qml object from C++
QQuickView view;
QObject *object=view.rootObject();but i would like to change a change a property in Qtmultimedia to stop the player using
property int someNumber:100QQmlProperty::write(object, "someNumber",5000);
}Any advice?