Float data to a slot
I am new to GUI development and I am also quite newbie in C++ so I have no clue how to do this.
Here is my code:
@#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"extern "C"{
#include "defines.h"
#include "tft.h"
#include "RAI8870.h"
#include "bmp.h"
#include "examples.h"
}MainWindow::MainWindow(int *c_ptr, QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
ui->setupUi(this);struct Measurement_Data *m_Data = (struct Measurement_Data*)malloc(sizeof(struct Measurement_Data)); m_Data = L2CAP_server(c_ptr); void on_TempButton_clicked(m_Data->temp);
delete ui;
}void MainWindow::on_TempButton_clicked(float temp)
unsigned char txt[10] = { 0 };ui->lcdNumber->display(temp);
void MainWindow::on_HumButton_clicked()
void MainWindow::on_PresButton_clicked()
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
}void MainWindow::on_lcdNumber_overflow()
I have three measuring data which I store to that m_Data structure which has members temp, humi and pressure. I am trying to get that code working so that when I for example press that TempButton it prints temperature value to the LCD widget and when I press HumButton it prints humidity value to the LCD widget and so on.. I would be very thankful if someone could show me how to do this with one slot so that I could continue by my own.