Why pSerialPortQPlainTextEdit showed slow I think QT is bug ????
QElapsedTimer timer;
pSerialPortQPlainTextEdit.moveCursor(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
qDebug() << "The slow operation took" << timer.nsecsElapsed() <<"nanoseconds";
test result:
The slow operation took 1017500 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 1018310 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 1421502 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 1186476 nanosecondsThe slow operation took 10685984 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10668154 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10564419 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10569686 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10243486 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10473245 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10746766 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10772700 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10583059 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 11221681 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 10795798 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 16827051 nanosecondsThe slow operation took 222369451 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 205003460 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 222164411 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 204823949 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 209414655 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 186572559 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 209589304 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 214433676 nanoseconds
The slow operation took 219041401 nanoseconds
According to the results of QT spam more slowly, with the increase of time -
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Please don't post the same thread twice, closing this one