How to know if qmlRegisterType worked?
Currently I am having a bad time trying to register a C++ class as a new type to the QML system.
This is my code:
qmlRegisterType<ItemsFilter>("backEndComponents", 1,0, "ItemsFilter");
qmlRegisterType<SelectionRecovery>("backEndComponents", 1,0, "SelectionRecovery");QQuickView *poView = new QQuickView;
poView->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("pkg/visufrwk/pkg/plugins/adapt/dummy.qml"));QMainWindow *poMainWindow = new QMainWindow(this); QWidget *poWidget = new QWidget(poMainWindow); poWidget = QWidget::createWindowContainer(poView); poMainWindow->setCentralWidget(poWidget); poMainWindow->show();
Every time I try to load my QML I get the error that the module "backEndComponents" is not installed.
So how could I know if qmlRegisterType was successful? All I know from that function is that it returns with a type ID.
I wonder what could be wrong in my approach?
Yes. In the file dummy.qml, I imported the "backEndComponents" like this:
import QtQuick 2.1
import backEndComponents 1.0Rectangle{
color: "blue"
width: 100
@If I comment the line with the import to "backEndComponents" I could see my blue Rectangle, if not I get the "module not installed" error.
So, I am not sure what I am missing.
i use it like this:main.cpp:
qmlRegisterType<MyData> ("de.mycompany.qmlcomponents", 1, 0, "MyData");
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
QQmlContext *ctxt = viewer.rootContext();viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/resources/qml/main.qml"));
@and then in qml file:
import de.mycompany.qmlcomponents 1.0
@Hope it helps,
Nando -
I think I found the error. I tested my code with Qt 5.2.1 and it didn't work. So I decided to use another version of Qt that I have installed in my PC, Qt 5.1.0, and it worked.
So now at least I know my code is working and the problem resides somewhere else among my installation. Maybe I have a corrupted library that is causing this error.