QThread sub milisecond timer problems
I am building a program to stream video packets over the network. My code functions properly for the most part, but the part of my code that I use for timing has problems. Frequently datagrams are sent 50-200+ ms late. I am using a qthread spinning in a while loop that checks a qElapsedTimer. Any gap between datagrams that is greater then 200ms causes problems with the mux hardware downstream, so that problem is unacceptable. I have tested to make sure the send datagram function is executed in the correct .
#ifndef STREAM_H
#define STREAM_H#include "QtCore"
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include "QThread"typedef QList< QByteArray > BufferList;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QHostAddress);class Worker : public QObject
explicit Worker();
bool loop;public slots:
void send_datagrams(QHostAddress stream_addr, qint16 stream_port, qint64 timer_freq , BufferList datagram_buffer);signals:
void done_streaming();private:
void save_file(BufferList datagram_buffer);
QUdpSocket *udp_streaming_socket;
int datagram_index , socket_state;QElapsedTimer elapsed_timer; QHostAddress ip_stream_address; qint16 ip_stream_port;
class stream : public QObject
Q_OBJECTQThread workerThread;
explicit stream(QHostAddress stream_addr, qint16 stream_port, int kBitRate, int pktsPerDgram,int pkt_size, QObject *parent);
~stream();public slots:
void send_udp_packet();
void make_udp_packet(QByteArray packet);
void done_with_worker();
void start_stream(QHostAddress stream_addr, qint16 stream_port, qint64 timer_freq , BufferList datagram_buffer);
void done_with_stream();
QHostAddress ip_stream_address;
qint16 ip_stream_port;BufferList datagram_buffer; QByteArray datagram, packet; Worker *worker; qint64 timer_freq; int packet_index , KbitRate , pkts_PerDgram , packet_size , dgram_size;
#endif // STREAM_H@
#include "stream.h"
#include "windows.h"
/// ========================================================================================================
stream::stream(QHostAddress stream_addr, qint16 stream_port, int kBitRate, int pktsPerDgram,int pkt_size, QObject *parent) :
qRegisterMetaType<BufferList>("BufferList");KbitRate = kBitRate; ip_stream_address = stream_addr; ip_stream_port = stream_port; timer_freq = 8*pkt_size*pktsPerDgram; // 8 bits per byte, ms between packets. timer_freq = timer_freq*1000000; timer_freq = timer_freq/(kBitRate); worker = new Worker; connect(&workerThread, &QThread::finished, worker, &QObject::deleteLater); connect(this, &stream::start_stream , worker, &Worker::send_datagrams ); connect(worker,SIGNAL(done_streaming()),this,SLOT(done_with_worker())); worker->moveToThread(&workerThread); workerThread.start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority);
// Prepare constants to build datagram.
pkts_PerDgram = pktsPerDgram;
packet_size = pkt_size;
dgram_size = pkt_size*pktsPerDgram;
qDebug()<< "thread id = " << QThread::currentThreadId();
//qDebug()<< "workerthread id = "<< workerThread.currentThreadId();
qDebug()<< "priority is " <<workerThread.priority();
qDebug("stopping stream");
}void stream::make_udp_packet(QByteArray packet)
// QByteArray((char*)pktBuffer,packet_size);
if (packet_index < pkts_PerDgram)
packet_index++;if(packet_index == pkts_PerDgram) { datagram_buffer.append( datagram ); datagram.clear(); packet_index=0; } }
void stream::send_udp_packet()
qDebug()<< "stream thread id = " << QThread::currentThreadId();
start_stream( ip_stream_address, ip_stream_port , timer_freq ,datagram_buffer);
}void stream::done_with_worker()
qDebug("done with worker");
emit done_with_stream();
qDebug("Closing Socket");
void Worker::send_datagrams(QHostAddress stream_addr, qint16 stream_port, qint64 timer_freq , BufferList datagram_buffer)
udp_streaming_socket = new QUdpSocket(this); // switch to QUdpSocket and remove winsock when Qt is patchedip_stream_address = stream_addr; ip_stream_port = stream_port; datagram_index = 0; qint64 start_time, end_time; elapsed_timer.start(); qDebug()<< "worker thread id = " << QThread::currentThreadId(); //qDebug()<< "thread priority = " << QThread::Priority; while(loop) { while(elapsed_timer.nsecsElapsed() <= timer_freq) { // spin until time to send next packet } if(datagram_buffer.size()<=datagram_index) { emit done_streaming(); save_file(datagram_buffer); qDebug("done with stream"); break; } if(datagram_buffer.size()>datagram_index) { start_time = elapsed_timer.nsecsElapsed(); socket_state = udp_streaming_socket->writeDatagram(datagram_buffer.at(datagram_index).data(), datagram_buffer.at(datagram_index).size() ,ip_stream_address , ip_stream_port); udp_streaming_socket->waitForBytesWritten(); //end_time = elapsed_timer.nsecsElapsed(); if(start_time - timer_freq > 50000) { qDebug()<< "Late by = " << start_time - timer_freq << " ns at datagram " << datagram_index ; } elapsed_timer.restart(); // start elapsed timer if(socket_state<=0) { qDebug()<< "Socket error "<< udp_streaming_socket->error(); } datagram_index++; } } udp_streaming_socket->close(); qDebug()<< "worker thread id = " << QThread::currentThreadId(); //qDebug()<< "thread priority = " << QThread::Priority;
void Worker::save_file(BufferList datagram_buffer)
QFile file("c:\3abn\qudp_test.ts");
QDataStream out(&file);
for(int i=0; i<datagram_buffer.size();i++)
Might this have to do with the process priority?
I noticed this becoming a problem most when I moved from a very simple GUI to one with a system tray icon and other stuff going on in the main GUI thread. I need real time priority for the worker thread, but not for the GUI. I can enforce that this will be running on a multi core machine, so consuming all cycles of one core for this isn't a problem. Time accuracy is most important, although going with a real time OS is something I would like to avoid. Is there a cross platform way to manage the process priority, or do I need to make blocks of code for each platform I want to support? Also, if I set the process priority as real time will that basically mean I will be tying up at least two CPU cores even if I demote the thread priority of the GUI thread? It seems a little wrong to assign real time priority to the whole process of a program with a system tray icon.....n real time priority to the whole process of a program with a system tray icon...
PS: the link function of this forum is broken for the above link.