Deployment - OS X default Qt libs
Hi guys,
I'm in the process of packaging my apps for OS X.
I'm wondering why the size of the package is 50MB but on Windows it's only 35MBI see a folder named "PlugIns" with a bunch of things i'm not sure I need. (printsupport, sqldrivers, audio, mediaservice). I don't need any print support or sqldrivers, and the audio is played with the open source library SFML. Is there a way not to bundle up theses lib when I run macdeployqt?
"": another question, I need to package third party libraries with my software
I would like them to be copied automatically with macdeployqt, is that possible? They are linked in my .pro file, but they don't get copied.
INCLUDEPATH += /Users/tourlou2/Dropbox/SFML-2.1-osx-clang-universal/include
LIBS += /Users/tourlou2/Dropbox/SFML-2.1-osx-clang-universal/lib/libsfml-audio.2.1.dylib
LIBS += /Users/tourlou2/Dropbox/SFML-2.1-osx-clang-universal/lib/libsfml-system.2.1.dylib@Thanks in advance!
Which version of Qt are you using ?
You can use the -no-plugins option to avoid their deployment.
Do you have any error message on the console about these libraries ?
Hey SGaist, latest version 5.3.1 on 10.9 OS X.
No all the libraries are deployed correctly with macdeployqt, except those 2 libraries that I have to copy manually. Was wondering if there was a "trick" inside the .pro so that it deploys them also to save time for the deployment
Error message is: can't find theses 2 libraries, if I put them in /Frameworks, program runs fine
Can you past the path where macdeployqt searches for these libs and the current path where thy can be found?
Good question, I just run macdeployqt without verbose, I'll check it with verbose on next time.
The libs are on the path posted up there (.pro file) and also in usr/local/lib
For right now, I'm okay just copying the libs manually after running macdeployqt, will try to optimize deployment, later, thanks for your help! -
If you need to deploy them by hand, don't forget to also correct their path with install_name_tool.
However macdeployqt should find them
There was bug when looking for libraries that should have bin fixed. Wonder if you found something that needs some patches
The 5.4 beta would be a good starting point