Help - Change size of QAudioBuffer - Problems with QAudioProbe
I'm doing a project for audio processing in real time. I used the library QAudioProbe QAudioRecorder and to process the data. Everything works properly.
The problem is that the data buffer stores only 40ms. I want to extend it to 250ms. I use Fs = 8000Hz, the buffer.frameCount () = 320 ---> 40ms. How I can change the buffer size?
I think I should change this line of code in question.
connect (probe, SIGNAL (audioBufferProbed (QAudioBuffer)), this, SLOT (Processed (QAudioBuffer)));
probe-> setSource (Audiorecorder);
audioRecorder.record ();I consulted the internet information. I can build a buffer size as desired:
QAudioBuffer (int numFrames, QAudioFormat const & format, qint64 startTime = -1)How do I set the buffer to the function of QAudioProbe, audioBufferProbed?
Thank you very much.