How to cross compile eglfs support for BBB?
Hi all,
I try to cross compile Qt 5.3.2 to Beaglebone Black. I have succeeded with linuxfb support, but eglfs is not available.
I have tried to compile both qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2 and qtbase-opensource-src-5.3.2.
Cross compiler is gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi-2012.04-20120426_linuxthis is part of configure output
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............. no
EGLFS ................ no
KMS .................. no
LinuxFB .............. yes
XCB .................. no
@Thanks for your help!
I've had problems getting a cross compile to work with the latest 3.14.y kernel builds on BBB.
I was using the Linaro toolchain on 32 bit debian linux to cross compile.
Even though I was using a sysroot image for the cross compile, some of the kernel includes would come from the Linaro tool and it would fail.
Compile the Qt library on the BBB.
It takes about a day and a half, but it detects the Sgx graphics libraries and enables EGLFS.