How to rotate a cursor for a QGraphicsItem
I want to make a cursor icon rotate with my QGraphicsItem, I drew a box and other child items around my item and I want to show a Qt::SizeVerCursor when hovering over certain anchor points (the points are drawn as rectangles). This is so far working@
void MyClass::hoverMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * event ){[...]
if(m_childItems[ancors[i]]->boundingRect().contains( m_childItems[ancors[i]]->mapFromParent(event->pos()) )) {
setCursor( Qt::SizeVerCursor );
@The only problem I am having is that when the item is rotated (for eg. 30°) I want the cursor to rotate by 30° too so that it reflects the following resize action to be along a major axis of the item. Right now the cursor is always vertical i i can't figure out anything to rotate the cursor. Google also didn't turn up anything useful.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The only way I see would be to create a QPixmap, update it yourself when needed and use it to create a QCursor to set.
Hope it helps