What is __panel
I'm working on a QtQuick (QML) project and I keep seeing references to __panel in code samples, but google, etc. has not helped me find out what __panel refers to.
I would guess that the double underscore means it is some sort of prototype member or similar, but what is __panel. Explanations and pointers to documentation appreciated.
Properties with two underscores i.e "__" are internal properties of that component and should generally be avoided. As those can be removed/changed in future implementations.
Ok, thank you.
Now I understand what the various "__" values in the Digia code on gitorious refer to.
I guess if I were to search through the source I would find these values defined somewhere in C++ using "Q_PROPERTY()":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/properties.html, or in QML using object->setProperty or ["default] property <propertyType> <propertyName>":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtqml-syntax-objectattributes.html#property-attributes.
Mostly they could be in the QML itself like:
property int __myProperty: 6
@BTW, where did you see __panel ?