Cute App Launcher project
I have started to work on my own to create a Cute App Launcher, which I can then use with "pure QML" apps. At the moment there are plugins for using following classes with QML:
- CuteFile, which wraps the QFile for QML use
- CuteFileInfo, which wraps the QFileInfo for QML use
- CuteDir, which wraps the QDir for QML use
- CuteFileSystemWatcher, which wraps the QFileSystemWatcher for QML use
- CuteSaveFile, which wraps the QSaveFile for QML use
- CuteTemporaryFile, which wraps the QTemporaryFile for QML use
- CutePluginLoader, which enabled plugin loading from QML
- CuteUnits, which provides Device Independent Pixels
- CuteDevice, which provides some device info
- CuteIconProvider, which provides platform specific icons for example image://icons/user-desktop will render the desktop icon or if there is a resource for :/icons/[name]-[width]x[height].png then it will use that one.
- CuteMime, which provides a function CuteMime.get_mime_type(fileName) which returns
- CuteMimeType, which exposes QMimeType for QML use
- CuteProcess, which exposes QProcess for QML use
- CuteSslSocket, which exposes QSslSocket for QML use
There is also a Python script which is used to generate C++ code for QML integration from JSON.
I will be active on this for few days at least and there will be some other topics coming, such as:
- Notifications
- Sockets
And I have started to work on two application demos which will use the Cute App Launcher:
- "Cute File Manager":, a file manager with terminal.
- "Cute VM Manager":, which is an application for creating virtual machines in Google Compute Engine.
And there is included an App Menu plugin for browsing and launching the apps.
If you are interested, the code is licensed under LGPLv3 and it is available here
P.S I wanted to post this project to you, so that if you have any comments, you can give them while I am active on this. You might want to wait for a week or so, until you start to use the code. As for now everything is untested, and it is changing on daily basis.
"Juhapekka Piiroinen": -
Looks nice so far. Good luck!