Javascript to qml
I have a javascript script that works fine but I need it to work fine within Qt.
Original ‘working’ JS script:
var pusher = new Pusher("cb65d0a7a72cd94adf1f");
var channel = pusher.subscribe("ticker.155");
channel.bind("message", function(data) {
var topbuy =;
var topsell =;
console.log("Buy Price: ", topbuy.price,
"Buy Quantity:", topbuy.quantity),
console.log("Sell Price: ", topsell.price,
"Sell Quantity:", topsell.quantity);
But when I try and implement the code into QML, I start getting errors as though QML does not understand the code (constructor/event)
@Starting C:\Qt\Qt5.3.1\5.3\mingw482_32\bin\qmlscene.exe…
file:///C:/Qt5/Tools/QtCreator/bin/projects/echoQML/pusherScript.js:2: ReferenceError: Pusher is not defined @echoQML.qml:
@import QtQuick 2.2
import "pusherScript.js" as Pusherscript@Connections{
signal send (string notice)
var pusher = new Pusher("cb65d0a7a72cd94adf1f"); //this is the line it chokes on
var channel = pusher.subscribe("ticker.155");
channel.bind("message", function(data) {
var topbuy =;
var topsell =;
console.log("Buy Price: ", topbuy.price,
"Buy Quantity:", topbuy.quantity),
console.log("Sell Price: ", topsell.price,
"Sell Quantity:", topsell.quantity);
@How do I properly integrate this script into Qt?