SOLVED - QSound vs Phonon - (QSoundEffect win)
I'm currently using QSound::play() to play various .wav sounds.
I am considering switching to Phonon::AudioOutput to get more utilities.For example, some users would like to be able to modify the volume at which the sounds are played, I haven't found a function for that with QSound.
I think this would be possible with Phonon.
But first, some question for you guys that used it:
-Is it easy to integrate Phonon? (i.e : just include and use it?)
-Is it really cross-platform? My app need to run on Windows and Mac without too much extra code and compile shenanigan :)
-Will AudioOutput::setVolume ( qreal newVolume ) set the volume for the whole OS or just the sounds played with Phonon?Thank you!
Nevermind, just read this for Qt 5.3 :
Phonon framework is no longer part of Qt, but it continues to be maintained by the Phonon developers and has support for Qt 5. See _I'm using 5.2.1, so i'll stick to QSound, maybe I can find a way to control volume.
Checking the new class "QAudioOutput" at the moment.. -
The use cases are not completely the same ;)