[SOLVED] Full list of supported languages for internationalization
This document has a list of supported languages: "http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/internationalization.html":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/internationalization.html
However it lumps many languages into generalized statements like:- "All East Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese and Korean)"
- "All Western languages (using Latin script)"
- "Cyrillic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, etc.)"
- "All scripts in Unicode 6.2 that do not require special processing"
This is problematic for me.
Can more detail or a links be added to these?Google searching "Western Languages" suggests that i should know if the documentation is referring to "Italio-Western Languages", "Western Romance Languages", "Western European Languages".
Looking into a language that is not specifically listed (but most likely supported) like Danish, brings me to Wikipedia. Wikipedia doesn't describe it by any of the same terms (Western Languages, etc...), but rather goes into details about the Runic alphabet which is "more or less" deprecated.
It would be meaningful to me to have a fairly exhaustive list of what is supported, and if possible, what's not supported. Although I suspect a list of lesser-known languages would never be entirely complete.
and welcome to devnet."find here : ":http://postimg.org/image/3xdi47zhv/
Source:- Qt 4.8 MS Add on. + MSVC 10
Thanks, that list seems promising.
How can i view that list for Qt 5.3?
Does that list require that you use MSVC?
Is there a separate list for mingw compiler, or in Qt Creator? -
[solved] (not sure how to mark that officially) -
Just edit your first post, there you can update the title :)
Happy coding !