Can I specify the ListView's delegate text from outside the ListView?
I need to create a ListView with very specific formatting requirements in multiple places around my application. So it seems to make sense to create a Qml to define it:
// interesting formatting goes here
delegate: Text
text: itemNameInTheModel
// more interesting formatting goes here
}@But then when I want to instantiate a MyListView, I can specify the model, but what if the model is outside my control and doesn't contain an item named "itemNameInTheModel"?
I want to be able to say:
id: accountList
model: myData
delegate.text: accountNumber
}@Is something like this possible?
Chris -
You can try something like this. It may help you.
@Rectangle {
width: 200;height: 500;color :"red"
property variant role1;
property variant role2;
id : del
Item {
height: 50;width: 200
Row {
Text { text : role1}
Text { text : role2}
}ListView { id : view anchors.fill: parent model : MyModel {id :mymodel } delegate: del } Timer { id : tim interval: 5000 running: true repeat: true property int count : 10 onTriggered: { role1 = "cost1"; role2 = "name1"; mymodel.append({role1: count, role2:"Pizza"}) count++; } }
ListModel {
id :mod
dynamicRoles: true