[SOLVED] Running Qt dependent 3rd party dll in Qt dependent host application
we are having a problem running our Qt based VST plugin in a host application also based on Qt on Windows platform. Both are linked dynamically, the plugin uses Qt 4.8.5, the host app uses Qt 5.3.1. When I open the plugin in our host app, it starts but the GUI misses graphics - there are no bitmaps or controls, just few green rectangles instead of controls.Could anybody recommend any solution? I am not sure if this could be similar to this post - http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/9577 .
Thanks for any hint.
IIRC your problem is a double set of Qt libraries in the same namespace. I'd rebuild your Qt 4 with a namespace to ensure it doesn't live in the same namespace as the application Qt
I'm not sure I'm following you correctly. You can also build the host application ?
Finally the problem was not in different Qt versions, but the main reason why there was no graphic in GUI was that QCoreApplication of the VST modul and widgets of GUI were created in a different thread.
Anyway, the different namespaces of Qt versions will prevent against some eventual future conflicts.Thank you for the reply.
You're welcome !
But there's something still strange here, why QCoreApplication ? It's not meant for GUI application