Multilingual QPlainTextEdit: Different font height
I use QPlainTextEdit to implement a code editor, but english and CJK characters have different line height.
I set the font as Ubuntu Mono which does not contain CJK characters, so Qt fallback to the WenQuanYi Zen Hei on my machine. I used the following code to inspect these two fonts.
@QFont f1("Ubuntu Mono", 12);
QFont f2("WenQuanYi Zen Hei", 12);
fontInfo(f2);@The function fontInfo is defined as
@void fontInfo(QFont &f) {
QFontMetrics m(f);
cout << "Ascent: " << m.ascent() << ", Descent: " << m.descent() << ", Height: " << m.height() << ", Leading: " << m.leading() << ", LineSpacing: " << m.lineSpacing() << endl;
cout << "Underline pos: " << m.underlinePos() << ", Overline pos: " << m.overlinePos() << ", Strikeline pos: " << m.strikeOutPos() << endl;
}@The result is:
Ubuntu Mono:
Ascent: 14, Descent: 3, Height: 17, Leading: -1, LineSpacing: 16
Underline pos: 2, Overline pos: 15, Strikeline pos: 4WenQuanYi Zen Hei
Ascent: 16, Descent: 5, Height: 21, Leading: 1, LineSpacing: 22
Underline pos: 4, Overline pos: 17, Strikeline pos: 5How can I set the line spacing to the same value so English and CJK characters would be same height.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you try with QTextFormat and setting the property QTextFormat::LineHeight ?
Hope it helps
I looked at the doc of QTextFormat and discovered that I have to implement a QSyntaxHighlighter to apply the format, so I came out with this:
@class HighLighter : public QSyntaxHighlighter {
explicit HighLighter(QObject *parent = 0) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) {}
void highlightBlock(const QString &text) {
QTextCharFormat format;
format.setProperty(QTextFormat::LineHeight, 50);
this->setFormat(0, text.length(), format);
this->setFormat(0, text.length(), Qt::blue);
};@The text successfully turned into blue, but the line height still not change.
I might be wrong but I don't think you can set a line height like that. Why don't you set that line height document wide ?