[solved] PyQt4 + PIL + SystemTrayIcon issue
I was having some fun with this to make a simple cpu temperature display.
@ msg = "61"
iconPIL = Image.new("RGB", (22,22), "black")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(iconPIL)
fontSize = 22
font = ImageFont.truetype("fontLocationBlablabla", fontSize)
draw.text( ((22-w)/2, 0), msg, fill="red", font=font)
del draw#convert to pixmap imgQt = ImageQt.ImageQt(iconPIL) imgPix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(imgQt) #imgPix.save("/location/" + msg, "png") #... and then I just set the icon to QSystemTrayIcon setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(imgPix))
the problem is that sometimes ( I'd say 30% ) my icon gets corrupted or something like that
as you can see on the image above there's 2 images
on the left of the "bell" icon we got a "61" image just fine
and on the right of the "bell" icon we got our bugged image o.Oit seems to work just fine if I save the image as png first, and create the QIcon from that tough o.OOOO!!!
any ideas why?Edit: well it was a problem with ImageQt.ImageQt, nvm
I was losing the image reference and python was using the same memory position for other things I guess. So I just had to save that image to a var, my bad. -
Hi and welcome to devnet !
Glad you found out and thanks for sharing.
Can you also please update the thread title prepending [solved] so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)
Not yet no, but maybe in the future :)