QSGRenderThread on multi thread.
Hello everybody. I'd like to know if there is a way to have a multi threaded QSGRenderThread. I have a big qml scene that do a lot a of work and in some in cases it has not godd visual performance, but analyzing the process I found that I have many cores of the cpu partialyy loaded, but one of them is loaded at 100%. On this thread runs QSGRenderThread. If this process could be splitted it would be great. Any suggestions?
Thank you! -
It already is multithreaded. Since Qt 5.2, there is one dedicate render thread per window and what it does needs to happen in sequence.
What you need to look at is why your application performs badly. Please see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtquick-visualcanvas-scenegraph-renderer.html for hints on how to fix your application.