[SOLVED] QThread cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector<quint8>'
I am building an application to read one 64bit buffer per millisecond from my HID-device.
The problem is, that it takes Qt 8ms to poll the device, which means I am losing valuable data in the time between.
I am thinking, that moving time critical functions to a separate thread might help, and this is the way I am trying to do it:@
// HidDevice class
class HidDevice : public QObject
// ...
void newDataReady(QVector<quint8> buffer_in);
// ...
}// MainWindow class
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
// ...
public slots:
void parseReportIn(QVector<quint8> buffer_in);private:
HidDevice *myDevice;
QTimer *usbPollTimer;
QThread *t;
// ...
}// MainWindow constructor
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// ...
myDevice = new HidDevice;
usbPollTimer = new QTimer;
// Connect timer to USB-poll-method
// Connect polled-results to parser-method
// Check USB-Endpoint as often as possible
// USB-polling should happen in this thread
t = new QThread;
// Move time critical USB objects to t
// Run the thread
// ...
@Running this code results in:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector<quint8>'
(Make sure 'QVector<quint8>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
@I have found solutions to slightly different problems, (like "this one":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/2884) but was not able to adapt them into my code.
Can anybody tell me the correct syntax to typedef my QVector that will actually work?
Thank you!
Like the error message says, you need to register the type first. Call this before you make your connection:
qRegisterMetaType< QVector<quint8> >("QVector<quint8>");
@ -
Allright, thank you!
I thought I had to choose an alias for QVector<quint8> and got totally confused.
But your line of code before my connect totally did the trick, if you remember to put spaces between the angled brackets :)
Sadly that didn't solve my problem :(
I am still losing 8ms on each poll and it doesn't make sense to me, but I rather open a new thread since that's a completely different issue.Thanks again!