How to Transform VC2010 rc file to QT, a dll file as plug app
Dear Mr. SGaist
Many thanks for your reply.
I want to buid a DLL file for a host softwaer as plug app, after tried i got the frist target that DLL can be attached in the host software and added a menu item.
When click the menu item can call DLL by using MessageBox(NULL, L"Test", L"Show a message", MB_OK);but if i change the show message code to
// this file is TaskMeassageBox.cpp
#include<QDialog>void TaskMeassageBox::perform()
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog();
//MessageBox(NULL, L"Test", L"Show a message", MB_OK); //can show the pop up the message}
when click the menu item the host softwear wih crash down.
// this file is TaskMeassageBox.h
#pragma once
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>#include<QDialog>
class TaskMeassageBox
void perform();};
could you help to point out the where is wrong?
Best regards,
Jeff -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
There's something not clear in your question, do you want to create an application that uses plugins or create a Qt application that should resized in a DLL ?