How to include QtFtp to qt 5.3.1 in opensuse?
I need to make small project using ftp functionality. I saw "here": , that
@The QFtp, QUrlInfo, QHttp classes are not public anymore. Use QNetworkAccessManager instead to avoid binary breaks in the future. Programs that require raw FTP/HTTP streams, can use the compatibility add-ons QtFtp and QtHttp which provides the QFtp and QHttp classes as they existed in Qt 4@so apparently I need to add QtFtp, and here is my question how to do it step by step ?
right now after adding
@QT += ftp@
I get:
"Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: ftp"I searched the net but only thing I can see was advices to use QNetworkAccessManager or post about QFtp.
Download QFtp source code hrom here: "link":
Then open the readme and follow the instructions.
bq. Before building, you'll need to generate them manually by running the syncqt Perl script.
how to achieve this ?
the location of my is @/home/vla/Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin @
the location of the downloaded source is in downolads folder, so I go in linux shell there by cd. Here I show hom my shell look like
what I provide
@vla@SW3:~/Downloads/qt-qtftp> perl /home/vla/Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin/
and output
<srcbase> = /home/vla/Downloads/qt-qtftp <outbase> = /home/vla/Downloads/qt-qtftp Cannot determine Qt/Module version. Usvla@SW3:~/Downloads/qt-qtftp> perl /home/vla/Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin/ <srcbase> = /home/vla/Downloads/qt-qtftp <outbase> = /home/vla/Downloads/qt-qtftp Cannot determine Qt/Module version. Use -version.e -version.
@ -
I think you need to download the whole Qt source code, add QFtp there as one of the modules (copy the directory), then run configure, make, (optionally) make install as usual.