How doing page navigation in QT Quick
I want to write an app for my Raspberry Pi 2,8 " TFT TouchScreen Panel.
I designed two qml files (both as type Rectangle).
Now I don't know how to change from screen1 to scree2 - with a Transition would be very nice...
Can anybody help me with this problem?
i think aou should have a look at "this...":
Normally you have a main file, your app window who you can add the stack item and now you can add other components/files as a page to the stack item with pop and push. Everything is explained in the documentation! Here a very simple and maybe not fully working example, i'm not at home so no guaranty.
Rectangle {
Button {
onClick: {
item: Qt.resolvedUrl("MySecondItem.qml"),
immediate: true,
replace: true
id: stack
initialItem: Qt.resolvedUrl("MyFirstItem.qml")
@ -
Please mark threads as solved if it's done thx