[SOLVED] QTextStream don't likes umlauts
I try to write into a csv-file, which works perfectly for normal characters but it doesn't work with german umlauts. setCodec("UTF-8") worked for importing csv-files, seems to not fit here.Here is the code I using
QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, "DialogTitle", "filename.csv", "CSV files (.csv);;Zip files (.zip, *.7z)", 0, 0);
QFile data(filename);
if(data.open(QFile::WriteOnly |QFile::Truncate |QFile::))
QTextStream output(&data);
output << "ßäÄÖöÜü";
maybe someone of you could give me a hint. :)Thanks in advance
setCodec sets encoding of the stream, not the input data. You pass your string as a const char* string literal which is "assumed to be Latin-1 encoded":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtextstream.html#operator-lt-lt-16.
You need to tell it what encoding it is really in.
@output << QString::fromUtf8("ßäÄÖöÜü");
//or just
output << QString("ßäÄÖöÜü"); //this ctor assumes utf-8@
In any case it's a bad idea to put national characters in source code. -
Later it shouldn't really be in the code, It's just for testing. It's the input from the form which should take umlauts (streets in germany are called Straße; and so on...)
I wasn't precise enough...my code snippet is only for testing and if I take the form input your solution will not work, wouldn't it?
Edit: Problem solved