Can I use Qt Creator to compile Qt 4.8.4
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Go to the download page and scroll down to the Qt 4 section. However, there's no pre-built package for embedded, you'll have to cross-compile it yourself.
I downloaded qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4.tar.gz. I guess my question is can I use the Qt Creator 5.3 IDE to build and deploy onto my board? Currently I can use the Open Project tab in Creator and point to the pinchzoom project under 5.3 and build. Is it as simple as just pointing to the 4.8.4 pinchzoom project and hitting 'build'?
As SGaist said you need to build Qt 4.8.4 for your target platform using cross-compiler that comes for the platform.
After build you need to install it somewhere and then you can "add a kit": which includes cross-compiler and Qt 4.8.4 to QtCreator settings.
After that create new project select a new Qt 4.8.4 kit or both kits and build your project.