[SOLVED] cannot find -lQtGuid4 -lQtNetworkd4 -lQtCored4
This is a weird problem that keeps happening on my system. I have a working Qt project with a working .pro file that is configured for my system. The project worked but I needed to integrate openssl so I recompiled Qt 4.8.6 with openssl support. Here is what I ran in an Administrator CMD shell:
mingw32-make confclean
configure -release -opensource -confirm-license -static -openssl -webkit -qt-style-windows -L C:\deps\openssl-1.0.1h\include
mingw32-makeEverything seems to compile and go smoothly until I try to build. At the very end of the build i get the following errors from QrCreator:
cannot find -lQtGuid4
cannot find -lQtNetworkd4
cannot find -lQtCored4The 3 libraries are included in the .pro file:
QT += core gui network
So I am really at loss here. Any help is appreciated!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
First thing i'd avoid is to use an administrator shell for development, this is a bad idea.
Next, add the -L and -I flags for OpenSSL to configure, otherwise you are likely to not get openssl detected properly.
Did you completely wipe your application build before retrying ?
Also did you check that the Qt libraries were properly built ?
yes I have cleaned the project and also deleted the debug folder of the project when rebuilding it.
How would I go about checking if the libraries were successfully built. I can see the appropriate dlls and .a files in Qt/4.8.6/lib
edit: also what is the correct -L and -I path for openssl? Thanks for your support.
Ok, it's simpler than that: you have built a release only Qt and trying build a debug version of your application.
ohhhh so the problem is because I am specifying the -release flag. If I omit it then what kind of application do I get?
edit: just checked the default is -debug so i will get a debug version. Man going to take a while to recompile Qt on a single core CPU. So glad I am receiving my i7 4790K today in the mail it is about time.
Since you are developing/debugging, drop also the static flag, if you really want to go static, do it only for deployment. Also don't forget that static linking may have licensing issues.
You don't really need to set the style, it's automagically done for you. The rest is fine.
So I ran the compile overnight and it gave me an error with the webkit compilation. I am reconfiguring the build with -shared . can anybody tell me if -static and -webkit do not work together?
I read that you cannot compile webkit with a static build. is that true?
I remember that from the Qt 4.7 time, but I don't know if it's still relevant. Unless needed, I don't build this module since it's very time/resource consuming.
I need this module because I am using the webkit module in my code. Is there something else I have to configure outside of Qt?
There are installation procedures with perl, python, and ruby for Webkit but I am not sure if I need to configure anything there or if Qt will build everything for you.
I don't remember installing anything special for Qt 4 webkit. But it's been a long time.
I can only recommend to try, but yes, do it shared.
You're welcome !
Have fun and happy coding :)