Small confusion about Qt Creator versions and installation/configuration of Kits
I knew that a new Creator version was available from following the Qt-news/feeds, but I also noticed that the maintenance tool of Qt 5.3.1 didn't offer me an update (still includes 3.1.2). The description of the bundled version on the download page also stated as much, so this seems to be on purpose.
I manually downloaded Creator 3.2 and installed it (next to the bundled one, just naming the folder QtCreator-3.2) but was rather surprised that no Qt version was detected automatically. The MinGW compiler (4.8.2) was detected, but I manually had to add Qt itself.This all seems rather strange. Is there a reason why the bundled Creator version wasn't updated and why a manual install in basically the same location as the bundled version won't find the installed Qt by itself?
faced a similar problem. as I understand the creator communicates and exhibits other modules only via configuration files. probably for this reason that attaching elsewhere led to failure. I had a similar situation after 2 attempts to reinstall the damaged configuration creator qmake. I think with a good Internet connection is the fastest way to fix these bugs complete removal and installation with 0
[quote author="Creat" date="1409066891"]Is there a reason why the bundled Creator version wasn't updated[/quote]Because there's a problem with the update mechanism. See the bottom of the original blog post:
[quote]and why a manual install in basically the same location as the bundled version won't find the installed Qt by itself?[/quote]Because the "auto-detection" feature is, unfortunately, not a proper auto-detector. When you install Qt 5, the installer registers the location of Qt 5 with Qt Creator. This registration doesn't happen when you install Qt Creator by itself.
The devs are discussing ways to improve this. You can read the conversation at (search for sdktool on that page)