Qt5PrintSupport.dll crash when selecting thermal printer
I' m using Qt 5.2.1 MinGW on a Windows 7 machine.
I am using the print classes of Qt regularly but i stumbled upon something very weird.I have a QPrintDialog where the user selects the preferred printer to print a document.
I have used several inkjet printers without any issue but lately i need to print to a small thermal tag printer.
When the user clicks print he selects if he wants to print to the default printer or select another one. If i have set from before the thermal tag printer as the default it prints ok, but if i show the QPrintDialog and select it from there(even without messing with the configuration), i recieve a crash from Qt5PrintSupport.dll. I checked the printer info(page size etc.) on the accepted signal of QPrintDialog and they crash as well, meaning the returned printer is not valid. Now the more weird is when i have the QPrintDialog and instead of clicking the print button, i right-click the thermal printer sometimes(like 1 of 10 attempts) it prints without crash..Any ideas?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You may have found a bug. You should take a look at the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if there's already something about it.
I looked and didn't find anything relevant.
I guess i should post it -
Can you create a minimal compilable example ? That would help finding the source of that strange behavior