[solved]I cant receive all data through serial interface
I am writing list of commands [around 7 request command ] to the sensor through serial interface using qexserialport library .Once I send these commands I should receive respond from the sensor for each command that I send.
I put all commands in Qlist to send at once .. But when I run the application and send the button for sending all commands I received only for first three commands !
@QList<QByteArray> list;
list << "*cmd1" << "cmd2" << "cmd3"<< "cmd4"<<" cmd5"<<"cmd6"<<"cmd7";QByteArray s; foreach( s, list ){ port->write(s); qDebug() << s;}
Thanks after I add delay function ,I received all data requested.
[quote author="mrdebug" date="1409046424"]Mm... I'm not sure you are using the right approach.
Maybe you have to use the official Qt serial library.
Normally the device responds at all request. I think you have to wait the response at each request and after that send the new one.[/quote]